The following is a summary of U.S. Border Patrol enforcement actions related to arrests of criminal noncitizens for Fiscal Years 2017–2024.

Records checks of available law enforcement databases following the apprehension of an individual may reveal a history of criminal conviction(s). That conviction information is recorded in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection database, from which the data below is derived.

Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions

The term criminal noncitizens refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States. Arrests of criminal noncitizens are a subset of total apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol.

Arrest Type FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 YTD
U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests 8,531 6,698 4,269 2,438 10,763 12,028 15,267 5,616

Fiscal Year 2024 runs October 1, 2023- September 30, 2024.

Total Criminal Convictions by Type

This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct. Because some criminal noncitizens may be convicted of multiple criminal offenses, total convictions listed below exceed the total arrests noted in the table above.

Conviction Type FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 YTD
Assault, Battery, Domestic Violence 692 524 299 208 1,178 1,142 1,254 372
Burglary, Robbery, Larceny, Theft, Fraud 595 347 184 143 825 896 864 236
Driving Under the Influence 1,596 1,113 614 364 1,629 1,614 2,493 935
Homicide, Manslaughter 3 3 2 3 60 62 29 14
Illegal Drug Possession, Trafficking 1,249 871 449 386 2,138 2,239 2,055 536
Illegal Entry, Re-Entry 4,502 3,920 2,663 1,261 6,160 6,797 8,790 3,517
Illegal Weapons Possession, Transport, Trafficking 173 106 66 49 336 309 307 80
Sexual Offenses 137 80 58 156 488 365 284 73
Other 1 1,851 1,364 814 580 2,691 2,891 3,286 1,072

Fiscal Year 2024 runs October 1, 2023–September 30, 2024.

* The FY total displays the total CES apprehensions but does not equal the sum of data by category because the same apprehension can have multiple NCIC Charges that are included in multiple categories.

1 Other includes any conviction not included in the categories above.

Last Modified: Feb 13, 2024
