The Border Field State Park™ Part 6

Here we see the fruits of possibly a billion total dollars in improvements
and the employment of thousands of grant seekers, environmentalists, naturalists, Interpretivists
and others.
The image here is of the improved area of Border Field State Park. The only building in the entire park is this toilet.
The park’s toilet will soon be upgraded at a cost of $1,200,000. It seems to already have a TV.

Sundays are rumored to be quite interesting in the park, California State Park’s suggested safety conditions
be damned.
There are numerous reports of groups of religious people visiting the park on Sundays. California State Parks and Recreation Chief Ranger Robert F. Freeman has even tossed such people out of the park when they started making too much noise (singing church songs).
On October ninth he was quoted by staff writer Rita Gillmon of the San Diego Union as saying; … It is for their own protection.
Chief Ranger Freeman continued with: The border isn’t a good place to do this kind of thing. There are people riding around down there [Mexico] with guns and they may not understand.
Oh! You bet!

The view from the park to the ocean. The U.S. Border Patrol is your constant companion. So is RICIN — the bush in the park planter on the right.